Need help finding your Georgetown or Scott County relatives? Perhaps our SCGS members can help!
Send us an e-mail using the link below. Submit your name, e-mail address, subject's surname, and any comments that might help us locate your family. Your query will appear in our quarterly newsletter (space permitting). Who might find a new cousin or a valuable lead in your research!
Note: This is a free service. You may, or may not, receive an answer to your query from SCGS members. Submitters are requested to limit comments to 50 words or less if possible. Only one surname per query, please.
Sample Query: JEFFERSON: Seeking information on William Jefferson, born in Scott County, 1859. Possibly lived in Stamping Ground area. Died 1911. Son of Mary Polly Jones. Who were his siblings? Also looking for burial location. Thank you. John Smith,
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